The Difference Between Criolla Cacao and Other Varieties

The Difference Between Criolla Cacao and Other Varieties

Chocolate has always been considered a luxury food item, but only a few people truly understand the complexities of the cacao plant and the different varieties of cacao that can be used in chocolate production. One such variety is the Criolla cacao, which is widely considered the finest cacao variety in the world, known for its unique flavor and aroma. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of Criolla cacao, exploring its history, cultivation, and its difference from other varieties of cacao.

History of Criolla Cacao

Criolla cacao, also known as "The Queen of Cacao", originated in Central and South America and has been cultivated for centuries. It is said that the Mayans and Aztecs revered this variety of cacao and used it in their religious and cultural ceremonies. Criolla cacao was considered sacred and was used as a form of currency in ancient times.

The cultivation of Criolla cacao became widespread in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru during the colonial era, and it was exported to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors. It was considered a luxury item and was only available to the aristocracy. However, the popularity of Criolla cacao declined in the 20th century as it was susceptible to diseases and pests, making it difficult to grow and harvest.

Today, Criolla cacao is making a comeback due to increased demand for artisan chocolate made from high-quality, sustainable ingredients. Artisanal chocolate makers are now turning to Criolla cacao as a way to differentiate themselves from mass-produced chocolate brands and to create unique and flavorful chocolate products.

Cultivation of Criolla Cacao

Criolla cacao is known for its delicate nature and requires specific growing conditions. It grows best in warm and humid environments and is typically found in areas with altitudes below 1,000 meters. Criolla cacao trees have low yields and are more susceptible to pests and diseases, making them challenging to cultivate. However, with the right care and attention, the resulting beans are well worth the effort.

The beans produced by Criolla cacao trees are smaller and have a unique flavor profile compared to other varieties of cacao. They are less bitter and have a complex, fruity, and nutty flavor with subtle floral notes. These characteristics make them highly sought after by artisanal chocolate makers and connoisseurs.

Difference Between Criolla Cacao and Other Varieties

Criolla cacao is distinct from other varieties of cacao in several ways. Here are some of the differences between Criolla cacao and other varieties:

  1. Flavor Profile: Criolla cacao has a more delicate and nuanced flavor profile compared to other cacao varieties. It is less bitter and has a fruity, nutty, and floral taste.

  2. Bean Size: The beans produced by Criolla cacao trees are smaller compared to other cacao varieties.

  3. Yield: Criolla cacao trees have lower yields compared to other varieties, making it a rarer and more expensive ingredient in chocolate production.

  4. Resistance to Disease: Criolla cacao trees are more susceptible to pests and diseases, making them more challenging to grow and harvest.

  5. Appearance: The beans produced by Criolla cacao trees are lighter in color and have a unique shape compared to other cacao varieties.


Criolla cacao is a unique and rare variety of cacao that has been highly sought after for centuries. Its delicate flavor profile and the challenge of cultivation make it a rare and valuable ingredient in the production of artisanal chocolate. Understanding the differences between Criolla cacao and other varieties is essential for chocolate lovers who want to appreciate the nuances of high-quality chocolate.

As a company that grows and produces artisan chocolate bars using Criolla cacao, we are proud to offer

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